The port of Tromsø is historical the basecamp for the Arctic, and most of the expeditions and exploring of the Arctic have started in Tromsø.

Today, Tromsø is the largest city in the northern part of Norway, and the harbour is the largest and most important harbour for both fishery and cruise vessels.The harbourmaster of Tromsø have a large and complex infrastructure and you may learn more about this on their website

Ports in Tromsø


10 berths with different depths, max 8,0 meters, located right south of Tromsø bridge.


5 berths with different depths, max 11 meters, located appr. 2 nm north of Tromsø bridge.


Grøtsund port is currently under development and will, once completed, be the mainport of Offshore activities. The quayside will be 130 meters and the depth 22 meters.

Lanes terminal:

Lanes terminal is North Agency AS's private terminal. The quayside is 120 meters and the depth is 6,8 meters at lowest tide.Lanes terminal is located 1 nm south of Tromsø bridge.